On April 11, 2019, India, the world’s largest democratic nation conducted the biggest and second-most expensive elections (after United States) where its 900 million eligible voters voted for their new parliament including their new Prime Minister. And for the faithful citizens of the community, that translated as a time for prayer and intercession during the weeks prior to the election.
The Bible commands believers to pray for those who are in leadership, which would also include those who are contending to become our future leaders. And praying for the electoral process is the first step in seeing the fulfillment of God’s plan for a nation due to the widespread belief that God indeed intervenes in its political process.
Hence, on April 2, 2019, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Chairman of Jesus Calls Ministries International, was led to organize a 72 hours prayer for safe and fair elections in India. He along with several other saints of God, leaders and approximately 3500 people from churches of all denominations gathered in their respective locations including churches and prayer rooms.
Not only were the 543 constituencies in India unanimously lifted to God, but these intercessors also prayed for wisdom for the voters who sought to better understand the issues and concerns that confront their city, state & nation as a whole that would ultimately influence their voting decisions.
This ongoing prayer was officiated at 6pm on April 2, 2019 and ended at 6pm on April 6, 2019. During this short span of time, the Dhinakarans ministered in 10 major cities in those days, where thousands of pastors, leaders, institution heads and believers gathered together and prayed without ceasing.
It is God’s will for his children to pray for their nation and for the rulers of the nation. This act enables inviting the Lord into the process of electing leaders who will ultimately lead us in peace and harmony.
For it is said, “As we serve a God who hears and answers the prayers of the faithful, it is then our privilege and duty to pray for kings and leaders of the nation, so that we can live in peace.” (1 Timothy 2:1-2).
Hence, by setting aside the tendency to blame everyone in authority over the mishappenings in the nation, the prayer warriors instead chose to seek God’s heart and intercede for His forgiveness of sins on behalf of the leaders, and additionally, that the homes, churches and cities in the nation may experience God’s peace, favor and blessings.
During these prayer meetings God had revealed to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran of what was about to take place in this election and as God’s people, what we should do, and when and why.
The Lord spoke to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran through Isaiah 4:5 “the Lord will create over all of Mount Zion and over those who assemble there a cloud of smoke by day and a glow of flaming fire by night; over everything the glory will be a canopy.”
As they prayed for the success of the elections and for good governance in the country, Dr. Paul appealed to the hundreds of thousands of people gathered around the nation to fast and pray for the well-being of the country as well as the people who will be electing their leaders to give them great vision in the development of the society and the country. He urged to also pray for their good health and God’s strength to be upon the important leaders who will put their mind and strength for the good of mankind.
With the Guidance of Holy Spirit, prayers were intensified in allegiance to the nation for the peaceful conduct of the elections and God’s plan for the nation by providing the right leadership and rightful appointment of members of parliament.
This time of prayer was nonetheless a strong inclination to believe in faith that results of the elections will please the Lord and release His blessing over this nation. Democracy may be based on the principle of “one person, one vote,” but at the end of day, God is in total control and as the Master of the Universe, He shall cast the ultimate divine master ballot. All this to say, the interceders had entered into prayer with an acclamation to cry before the elections and were left rejoicing victoriously believing that their prayers have reached the throne of God.
All of those who gathered were filled in the presence of God and thanked the Lord for His promises from Isaiah 4:5.
- 72 Hours Prayer
- 72 Hours Prayer
- 72 Hours Prayer
- 72 Hours Prayer